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Courtesy and Etiquette

Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan® is a traditional martial art based on respect for all life. It is important to develop this respect of our art, our country, our Grandmaster, Senior Dan members, and all members in accordance with the Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan® principles.

General Situations in the Do Jang

 • Entering and leaving a Do Jang: Upon entering a do jang, pause by the entrance, face the flags, and salute by holding the right hand open and across the chest with palm facing the heart and bow in the directions of the flags. This demonstrates respect and appreciation for our country, our art. You should perform this discipline upon entering and leaving the do jang.


• Preparing to train: Upon entering the do jang, you must show respect by personal preparation. Cease talking and try to quiet yourself both mentally and physically. Turn your thoughts towards your training. These personal actions help you to create an inner atmosphere of "Jong Sook," quiet internal peace.


• Recognizing senior members: As you first enter the do jang, it is appropriate to recognize each senior member with a bow. The bow is performed by standing at attention and bowing from the waist about 45 degrees. The senior member will bow in return. While in the do jang, if a senior member enters, you should recognize him/ her with a bow from the attention position. Junior members should always bow to senior members first. The senior member, in return, bows back.


• Recognizing Sa Bom Nim or Chief Instructor: Upon the entrance of theSa Bom Nim or the chief instructor, the most senior member of the class will call the class to attention "Cha Ryut" and command "Kyung Ret." The class will then recognize the Sa Bom Nim or the chief instructor with a bow.


• Joining a class in progress or late entrance: When you arrive after a class is in session you should enter the do jang quietly and stand at the door. First, bow in the direction of the flags. Then remain at an attention position by the door until you are recognized by the instructor. After being recognized by the instructor, bow to the instructor and walk behind the other members of the class to assume your appropriate position with the class.


• Receiving Instruction: At any time, before, after, or during class, when the instructor or any senior member offers personal correction of instruction to a junior member, the junior member must stand at attention (if possible). At the completion of the instruction, the junior member must bow and repeat

"Thank you, Sir/Ma'am." This shows appreciation and respect. A junior member should refrain from correcting a senior member in the do jang.


• Closing ceremonies: At the end of the class, after the closing ceremonies, all class members should bow to their instructor.


• How to ask a question: During the class when you have a question, raise your hand. When the instructor recognizes you, stand at attention, bow, and then ask your question. After the answer has been received, you should bow and then say, "Thank you, Sir/Ma'am."


• How to be excused: During the class when you need to be excused (to go to the restroom or due to illness), you should raise your hand to gain recognition from the instructor. After getting permission from the instructor, bow and act accordingly. When you are able to rejoin the class, stand at attention on the outskirts of the room until recognized by the instructor. Once recognized by the instructor, you may bow and rejoin the class.


• How to end class: When a junior ends class, he/she should pay respect to the highest ranking senior member. In situations where there is more than one senior member, the class should bow to the highest ranking member only.